A Dog Owners Guide To A Safe Howl-O-Ween

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A Dog Owners Guide To A Safe Howl-O-Ween

With the spooky season on our tail, everyone, including our four-legged friends is getting ready to join in the fun. To make sure the only blood and gore we see comes out of a tube, we’ve put together a few tips to ensure a safe, happy and tail-wagging time.

1. Dress to Impress

While everyone loves a pup-kin patch-dressed dog, just like us, not every pooch loves dressing to the nines.

While some pooches are happy flaunting their stuff in cute outfits, for other dogs, dressing up can feel restrictive and increase anxiety. If you do opt for a costume, just make sure it’s lightweight, easy to move in and allows them to be their happy, tail-chasing selves. If the costume isn’t quite sitting right, maybe opt for something a little less involved like a cute hat or headpiece.

2. Lick or Treat With Care

Candies, chocolate, sultanas/raisins and all the sweets might be cloud 9 for us, but for your pooch, it can mean a quick visit to the vet. Whether you’ve got treats at the door or have brought some home, just make sure they’re out of reach for any leaping, jumping or mischievous pups!

3. Decor Beware

When you’re stringing up the cobwebs or putting out the jack-o’-lanterns, always consider where they are placed and if anything could accidentally be ingested. If in doubt, move things a little higher or place them in spaces your dog definitely cannot get to.

4. Socialise safely

While Halloween is synonymous with ringing doorbells and high-traffic footpaths, it’s always important to make sure your pooch feels safe, comfortable and has a place they can retreat to and relax. In the rare case your pooch slips away in the chaos, ensure your dog’s collar is up-to-date and on harness & leash when out and about.

Happy Hunting!

With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, have a happy Halloween, knowing you’ve done everything you can to make your whole family feel safe and can join in the festivities. Hopefully, the only fright you’ll get this year is from the people outside dressed up as ghosts and goblins!