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When it comes to your pooch, the overall health, well-being and lifestyle of your furry friend are what’s most important. At Pooch & Play, we aim to keep owners informed of our best tips and tricks to keeping your pooch in tip top shape. One aspect of your pooches’ well-being that can be tricky to keep up during the cooler months is their exercise when it gets too chilly to venture outdoors. To help you gain a better understanding of the importance of exercising your pooch, the team at Pooch & Play have compiled a list of amazing reasons to enhance your understanding.

Tackling Obesity

Obesity is one of the most common health concerns for dogs and to make sure your dog has a healthy weight, you should first take them to your vet. Based on the vet’s recommendations, this is where you make the proper adjustments needed for your dog, from a food portion change to the time spent out and about each day.

Mental Health

Taking your dog for regular walks and other exercises can do wonders for their mental health. It has the ability to decrease their anxiety levels in quick succession as they will be in regular contact with other dogs and it will allow them to socialise. Just like us, dogs get endorphins after exercise and it helps them feel naturally happy. Exercise also helps your dog become less susceptible to engaging in naughty behaviour such as chewing things they shouldn’t be or barking.

Active Joints

Even though the correct weight will keep your pooch in shape, regular exercise will ease any pain that your dog has in their joints. If your dog is regularly exercising at an appropriate rate for its age, their joints will stay polished and have fewer problems. 

If you are struggling to find the time to exercise your dog or give them the attention throughout your busy work days then book in your free trial today for a day of socialising, stimulation and exercise!