How to keep your pooch cosy in the cooler months

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How to keep your pooch cosy in the cooler months

As temperatures drop during winter months, it is important to take extra care of your furry friend to help them adjust to the change and ensure they stay comfortable and healthy. To help you navigate the new world of pooch parenting in winter, we’ve put together a few tips to keep your pooch cosy during the colder months.

1. Invest in Warm Wardrobe
Some breeds are better equipped to handle colder temperatures than others, but regardless of their breed, all dogs can benefit from a cosy sweater or jacket. When choosing clothes for your furry friends, ensure you choose comfortable and properly sized clothing that are warm and functional.

2. Stay Warm and Hydrated
As much as we love putting on a crackling fireplace or turning up the heater, make sure your home is kept at a comfortable temperature for your dog.
Provide your furry friend with a warm bed and plenty of blankets to snuggle up in and also a water bowl to stay hydrated.

3. Adjust Your Dog’s Diet
Just like us, in the cooler weather it takes more energy for your dog to stay warm. Therefore, they may need a few extra calories to keep warm. Talk to your vet about adjusting your dog’s diet to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need.

4. Provide Plenty of Exercise
While it may be tempting to stay indoors during colder months, it’s important to make sure your dog is still getting plenty of exercise. Consider enrolling your furry friend in a doggy day care like Pooch & Play, where they can run and play indoors in a safe and supervised environment. Pooch & Play offers indoor play areas that are perfect for keeping your dog active and engaged, regardless of the weather outside.

If you would like to learn more about our daycare, services or staff, head over to our website by clicking here.